Select Research Publications
International Trade
Shadow Pricing Market Access, with Rolf Fare. Journal of Economic Theory, WP
Trade Restrictiveness and Efficiency, with Rolf Fare and Shawna Grosskopf, International Economic Review,
Trade Restrictiveness and Pollution -- A Directional Distance Function Approach, with Rolf Fare and Shawna Grosskopf. Journal of Public Economic Theory.
Dynamic Stability, International Trade under Uncertainty, Economica.
Search Friction and Costly Entry in the Specific Factors Model. Paper written for the forthcoming Special Issue of the Foreign Trade Review in Honor of Professor Ronald Jones.
Strategic Amnesty and Credible Immigration Reforms. Journal of Labor Economics.
Transnational Trafficking, Law Enforcement, and Victim Protection: A Middleman Trafficker's Perspective, with Randy Akee, Arnab Basu and Arjun Bedi. Journal of Law and Economics, WP
How to Model the Weather-migration Link: a Machine-learning Approach to Variable Selection in the Mexico-U.S. Context, with Mario D. Molina, Amanda D. Rodewald and Filiz Garip. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
Concessional Amnesty and the Politics of Immigration Reforms, Economics and Politics.
North-South Investment Flows and Optimal Environmental Policies, with Hamid Beladi and M. Ali Khan. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management.
A Race to the Bottom from the Bottom: Labor Standards Competition Among Developing Countries, with Ravi Kanbur. Economica.
The Pattern of Migration with Variable Migration Costs, Journal of Regional Science.
Labor Contracts
Contractual Dualism, Market Power and Informality, wih Arnab Basu and Ravi Kanbur, Economic Journal, WP
Wage Fairness in a Subcontracted Labor Market, with Arnab Basu and Vidhya Soundararajan, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, WP.
Contract Employment as a Worker Discipline Device, with Arnab Basu and Vidhya Soundararajan. Journal of Development Economics. WP.
Contract Employment in Developing Economies, Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics
Labor Standards
On Sweatshop Jobs and Decent Work. Journal of Development Economics, WP.
Exploitation of Child Labor and the Dynamics of Debt Bondage, with Arnab Basu, Journal of Economic Growth
Transnational Trafficking, Law Enforcement, and Victim Protection: A Middleman Trafficker's Perspective, with Randy Akee, Arnab Basu and Arjun Bedi. Journal of Law and Economics, WP
The Adoption of International Labor Standards Conventions: Who, When and Why, with Ravi Kanbur. Brookings Trade Forum, WP
A Race to the Bottom from the Bottom: Labor Standards Competition Among Developing Countries, with Ravi Kanbur. Economica.
Sweatshop Labor, forthcoming in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics
Governance and Public Policy
A Theory of Employment Guarantees: Contestability, Credibility and Distributional Concerns, with Arnab Basu and Ravi Kanbur, Journal of Public Economics, WP
Political Activism as a Determinant of Clientelistic Transfers, with Yanyan Liu and Vidhya Soundararajan. Forthcoming European Economic Review. WP
Optimal Urban Employment Policies: Notes on Calvo and Quibria, with M. Ali Khan. International Economic Review.
Leader Networks and Interjurisdictional Contracting in Land Conversion Quotas, with Yu Qin and Weiwen Zhang. Forthcoming in Land Economics, WP.
Harnessing the Forces of Urban Expansion: The Public Economics of Land Development Allowance, with Weiwen Zhang. Land Economics. WP.
Human Capital and Health
Cooking Fuel Choice, Indoor Air Quality ad Child Mortaility in India, with Arnab Basu, Tsenguunjav Byambasuren and Neha Khanna. Forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. WP
Guaranteed Manufactured without Child Labor, with Arnab Basu, and Ulrike Grote. Review of Development Economics, WP
Offshoring and Developing Country Labor Markets, with Arnab K. Basu. IZA World of Labor.
Offshoring to a Developing Nation with a Dual Labor Market, with Subhayu Bandyopadyay, Arnab K. Basu and Devashish Mitra. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review. WP.
Consequences of Offshoring to Developing Nations: Labor-Market Outcomes, Welfare and Corrective Interventions, with Subhayu Bandyopadyay, Arnab K. Basu and Devashish Mitra. Economic Inquiry. WP.
Market Power
Turning a Blind Eye: Costy Enforcement, Credible Commitment and Minimum Wage Laws, with Arnab Basu and Ravi Kanbur, Economic Journal, WP
Middlemen, Fair Traders and Poverty, with Hideaki Goto and Ravi Kanbur, Journal of Economic Inequality, WP
Employer Power, Labor Saving Technical Change, and Inequality, with Ravi Kanbur. In A. Banerjee, K. Basu, and E. Verhoogen (Eds.). Development, Distribution, and Markets. Oxford University Press. WP.
On Risk Aversion and Nonlinear Budget Constraints with Many Commodities, Canadian Journal of Economics.
Dynamic Stability, International Trade under Uncertainty, Economica.
Select Working Papers
Social Connections and COVID-19 Vaccination,with Arnab Basu and Oleg Firsin. IZA Discussion Paper 16307.
Migration Gravity, Networks and Unemployment, with Arnab Basu and Gary Lin. IZA Discussion Paper 15808.
On Trade Policy Preference and Offshoring Ties, with Subhayu Bandyopadhyay , Arnab Basu and Devashish Mitra. IZA Discussion Paper 15782
Employer Power and Employment in Developing Countries, with Ravi Kanbur and Vidhya Soundararajan. IZA Discussion Paper 15514.
Food Safety Perceptions in the Shadow of COVID-19: Evidence from China, with Arnab Basu, Lin Fu and Jieyu Hao. SSRN WPS 4691791.
New Frontiers in Environmental and Social Labeling, with Arnab Basu and Ulrike Grote (eds.).
Contributions to the Economics of International Labor Standards, with Arnab Basu (eds.)